The Heart of Healing

Clearing the Past to make space for a New Future.

Sessions to allow and explore your present experience.

A powerful process of transformation occurs when those parts of us that have been hidden, unconscious, buried, and unwelcome feel seen, heard, felt and received.

In working together, I call on the brilliant works of Realization Process, Yoga Therapy, Qigong, including my experience and background providing Occupational Therapy and my teaching career of 20 years.


Individual Sessions

With attunement and support we can explore, consciously sense into the expression in your life and body. I can guide you in supportive gentle meditations or movements drawn primarily from Realization Process to support and deepen embodiment and awakening, igniting your own self healing potential in an energetic supportive container in this present moment. 

Couples Sessions

I offer Empathic Ground practices from Judith Blackstone’s Realization Process. We explore attunement together as Fundamental Consciousness. This helps to release limitations in couples contact, to balance separation and intimacy, to relate authentically with less projection, to find the mutual love and compassion that flows from the non dual relating and realization. 

Caregivers/Parents and Children

From 40 years of professional experience with children teaching in public schools and pediatric therapy, and my personal life raising my own three children, caring for teen step children, supporting as a loving grandparent and step grandparent, I have a rich toolbox of experience, wisdom, knowledge and resources from which to draw to help you to creatively and compassionately parent your children.  


“Kristine is a gentle, patient guide with a rare balance of gravity and levity. She holds unshakable space when I am struggling, and her easy humor has helped me to reconnect with my long-neglected playful side.

Kristine wields a rich array of skills with expert precision; She is insightful, compassionate, and razor-sharp! With her help, I've come to more deeply understand and appreciate my sensitivities as gifts, rather than burdens.”

-Melea Alexander L.Ac Licensed Acupuncturist

Awakening the Healer Within

The Process of Clearing, Healing, and Integrating includes:

A future, new possibility can emerge that is not just a repetition of your trauma.

Within the Ground of Being, with the support of another compassionate, attuned, trauma informed and integrated individual, we can do the hard work of grieving, meeting our losses, our wounds, and melting our trauma.

I support you with guidance and practices to experience shifts in consciousness into Fundamental Consciousness, where all healing happens in this present moment and you can return to it.

My work is trauma informed and trauma integrative. Together, we meet trauma, patterns of protection from childhood, and ancestral lineage patterns, which are often intertwined, entangled. I intuitively track and invite young fragmented patterns back into wholeness, releasing trauma, fear, and lineage burdens.


“Kristine cares passionately about her students and clients. She has a highly developed and clear spiritual sensing of the perceptual field. She uses this guidance to aide her clients development, to identify places caught in negative emotion or unprocessed experience, whether personal or inherited from lineage trauma. Kristine delivers the highest quality of care. She brings 40 years professional experience teaching and providing  occupational therapy with babies and young children to her work. This deep knowledge of working with children gives her a unique perspective on bringing safety and unbound freedom to the felt sense experience of adults and “the child within” on the spiritual journey and recovering from trauma. I recommend Kristine as a trustworthy guide and healer on the spiritual path. I recommend her as a skillful Realization Process teacher and guide.”

-Marcia Haarer LMSW

We, together, give your system openings into new possibilities of freedom, stability, resilience, courage, and liberation.